🧙 Features

Designed for creativity. Built for collaboration.

Explore all the capabilities and features that make Savepad your ideal collaborative swipe file.


Features are subject to change rapidly as we gather initial feedback during our beta phase.

Core Features

The fundamentals of Savepad that make it the ideal swipe file and knowledge base for you.


Your account is your permanent Savepad profile, available under the username you choose when signing up. Under this, you have a Personal workspace by default, following which you can create workspaces and collections as you please.

If you create new accounts, for your team, or your personal friends and family, you'll be the admin of this account and be able to invite others to collaborate with you by inviting their personal usernames into your team.


Your Savepad account is primarily broken down into workspaces. Whether you need one for personal use, work, side projects, or anything else. By default, you have unlimited workspaces in your personal account. If you're collaborating with others and have multiple team accounts, each account has their own workspaces. It's worth noting that individual saves can exist in multiple workspaces.


Saves are the core of working with Savepad.

Every new addition — a URL, an image, a video, an audio, a code snippet, a note, or any other file upload — counts as a save. These can be curated and organized within structured workspaces and collections.

Automatically, depending on the format, Savepad will enrich these saves with metadata such as titles, descriptions, and previews, to make them easy to find. And you can further make it easier to search by adding context such as notes, tags, and other details.


Collections are for you to structure your spaces with multiple saves that share similar context.

If you've got a space for Ads, it's likely you'd want to further categorize that dump into something more understandable to you and your team, for instance, Competitor Search Ads, Display Ad Ideas, and YouTube Ad Examples. All of these can be a blend of text, screenshots, videos, audio recordings, whatever — there's no restrictions on what you can save into your collections. Make them as vague or granular as you'd like, depending on how organized a person you are!


Savepad lets you tag each save with any further context you see fit. Tags are a space-wide feature for you to quickly find what you're looking for and to create custom filtered views.

It's possible that you have #Dark-Mode as a tag that's relevant to landing pages and to ads, in this case rather than being messy with tons of collections, just tag multiple saves in multiple spaces with a common tag, making it easy for you to find later.


Savepad is made for collaboration! By default you'll start out with a personal account. Simply create one or more new teams for home or work, and invite your colleagues, friends, or family to collaborate on saves with you.

Team accounts have all the functionality of your personal accounts, except that you get more control on roles, permissions, and access.

Once you've got your team accounts set up, each account works just like your own. Teams can share workspaces, collections, and collaborate on saves. Workspace owners and admins can define roles for each user. Owners and admins can select which users have access to which spaces and/or collections.


Regardless of what you add to Savepad — links, images, PDFs, code, components, or videos — Savepad automatically generates enough metadata to index all possible text related to that save.

Need to surface those obscure landing pages you remember saving that were related to Product Marketing, were Developer Tools, and had a design that caught your attention? Stack all those criteria to make sure it was Auth0 you were looking for as a reference!


Currently works for URLs, more enrichments in development.

Browse your saves without leaving Savepad. Whenever possible, Savepad enriches all saves with further metadata and context, making things easy to find.

While we'll add as much context as possible, such as subtitles, titles, captions, etc., where relevant, you can also further enrich your saves with custom notes and tags to ensure you'll always find them.

For certain formats like images and videos, we're also working on ways to have them indexed with complete context, so they can be found via a simple text search. More on that coming up, so stay tuned!


By default, your first account on Savepad is a personal one. Personal accounts on Savepad ensure that all spaces, collections, and saves are private by default, visible only to you. Any other accounts you create can be kept personal too, or shared with collaborators or with the public.

If you'd like to change this, you can invite collaborators to teams, and establish which collaborators have which levels of access to different accounts, spaces, and collections.

We're also working on the ability to make workspaces and collections published to the web, so you can show off your saves to the world as a reference, or as a portfolio!

Files & Formats

The fundamentals of Savepad that make it the ideal swipe file and knowledge base for you.


Auto-enrichments under development.

Upload image files like photos, diagrams, and screenshots without hassles to Savepad to search for later. Savepad recognizes common image formats like .jpeg, .png, and .gif. Depending on the format, the content, and the file, Savepad may auto-enrich the file to transcribe the content, making text in images searchable vis Savepad's full-text search.


Auto-enrichments under development.

Similar to images, Savepad supports uploading all common video formats like .mp4, .avi, and so on. We'll try our best to transcribe the content of these videos too, so you can find them when searching for a specific part of it, but a lot of that would depend on the quality and the size of the upload.

Files & Documents

Auto-enrichments under development.

Savepad comes with support for uploading common formats like .docx, .pdf, and .txt. When uploading files, Savepad scrapes the content of the file to let you search parts of a document when looking for something specific, rather than having to remember the filename or your manually added notes.


When working on projects, not all references are files or URLs. Sometimes you need to add further context that can only be a note. Savepad lets you create notes in each collection and space, with an intuitive WYSIWYG editor. All notes are indexed, and can be searched with Savepad's full text search.

Code Snippets

Automatic code syntax highlighting based on language under development.

Savepad recognizes code when added to a space. To save code, simply create a new note and paste your snippets there. You can create code blocks by placing triple backticks before and after the code block, and for syntax formatting on common languages like .js and .graphql, ensure to define the language after the opening backticks. We recommend placing a blank line before and after code blocks to make the formatting easier to read, similar to markdown formatting.


Auto-enrichments under development.

Upload audio files without hassles to Savepad to search for later. Savepad recognizes common audio formats like .mp3 and .wav. Depending on the format, the content, and the file, Savepad may auto-enrich the file to transcribe the content, making each snippet searchable vis Savepad's full-text search.

Enrichments & Management

The fundamentals of Savepad that make it the ideal swipe file and knowledge base for you.


By default, if you add anything to your Savepad account without any context - titles, descriptions, notes, tags, etc. - they're added to your backlog. This works for anything added from the web app, browser extensions, apps, or integrations. Every once in a while we'll nudge you to make sure your backlog is cleaned up.


All saves, collections, tags, and spaces that're deleted stick around in your trash can for 30 days. You know, just to make sure you really wanted to delete them and don't regret it later.

Bulk Operations

Currently in development.

There's times when we just want to do too much at once. Want to add, edit, or delete multiple saves at once? Want to invite a ton of collaborators? Want to batch import or export things? Savepad supports most common batch operations.

Custom Views & Filters

Spaces, collections, nested collections, and tags not enough for you? Create custom views with advanced filtering for common operations to make Savepad even more useful for you. Simply search and filter for whatever you're looking for, and click the “Save as Custom View” button.

Oh, and by default all spaces have a grid and list view with the option to select which data is always shown, to ensure that you're getting the best possible browsing experience of your spaces.